About the Journal

Jurnal Terapan Logistik Migas (JTLM) is published 3 (tree) times per year in April, August and December by the Research and Community Service Unit (UPPM) and Department Logistics Oil and Gas of Politeknik Energi Dan Mineral AKAMIGAS.

This journal publication contains the fields of Logistics, Logistics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Accounting and Management.

JTLM provides open access to anyone so that the information and findings in these articles are useful for everyone. This journal's article content can be accessed and downloaded for free, free of charge, following the Creative Commons license used. However, suppose the data in this article is used as material in article writing or anything else. In that case, you must quote and include the article author's name in the item being made.

Every manuscript that has passed the editor's desk evaluation or before being published will be checked for similarity using Turnitin/Ithenticate software. Documents must meet the maximum similarity limit of 20% to proceed to the review/production process.

Journal Description

Journal title  : Jurnal Terapan Logistik Migas
Initials  : JTLM
Frequency  : 3 issues per year (April, August & December)
Prefiks DOI  : 10.53026 crossref3 
Editor In Chief  : Dr. Ir. Oksil Venriza, S.Si., M.Eng
Publisher  : Politeknik Energi Dan Mineral Akamigas


Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Desember
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Desember

Desember 2023

Published: 2023-12-20

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